How To Hide Razor Under Tongue?


Anything that moves with the change of time has its fair share of risks and benefits. The same applies to sharp objects hidden under people’s tongues. Some of them can cause damage or injury if not taken care of properly, but others can also be used for good purposes. And that’s why we are talking about this today – how to hide razor under tongue safely.


What You Need to Know Before Hiding a Razor Blade

First of all, we want to clarify that there is no way to completely hide a piece of metal inside your body, especially a razor blade. Even if you could hide it, you would still have to take it out when you want to use it. So, hiding it safely is the priority here.

We all know that an object that is sharp enough to pierce your skin can cause serious injury if it breaks the skin. That is why you need to be extra careful while hiding a razor blade safely. Two steps will help you safely hide your razor blade: Protect your tongue – If you place a piece of rubber or plastic on the blade, it will be much harder to pierce your tongue.

You can do this by using a tongue guard. Tongue guards are made of latex or rubber and are available in most drug stores. – Place a blade under your tampon – Putting it under your tampon will make it much harder for you to cut yourself with it accidentally. This is a common trick people use to hide a razor blade under their tongue safely.

 You need to know a few things before trying to hide a blade under your tongue. These include: 

  1. Your mouth is a very dangerous place. Swallowing even a single piece of metal will cause severe damage to your mouth.
  2. There is a good chance you would damage your tongue in the process. That’s because you have to bite down on something sharp to get it in your mouth. Breaking the skin under your tongue is a dangerous thing to do.
  3. Chewing gum is a much safer way of hiding a blade. You can place it on the blade and then swallow it. As a gum, it is not harmful to anyone.

How To Hide Razor Under Tongue?

A sharp blade hiding under your tongue is a scary thought. However, you don’t need to worry about anything. We will teach you how to safely hide a razor blade under your tongue if you keep reading. The world is constantly changing and growing at a high rate. New technologies are invented daily to solve or create new problems. Here is the procedure of how to hide razor under tongue but it’s not advisable to practise such trick, be warned!

First of all, you are going to need a sharp blade. You can choose one from your beard or your razor. If you plan to use it for a long period, then make sure to sharpen it regularly. You can also use a blade that has been used by someone else. However, the one you use should be clean and dry.

Cleaning it properly is essential because you don’t want bacteria to get inside the blade. You can also use a safety razor and a shaving brush to clean your razor properly. Choose a razor that you can easily hide under your tongue. Many people prefer disposable razors because you don’t have to worry about storing them properly.

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How To Hide Razor Under Tongue Safely?

Now that you know how to hide a blade under your tongue safely let’s talk about how to do it. You will need a blade, a tongue guard, and a tampon. – Cut the blade into small pieces. Put the blade in a tongue guard. Put a tampon in your mouth.

Protect your Tongue with a Tongue Guard

When you put the blade under your tampon, you need to ensure it stays in place. You can protect your tongue with a rubber or plastic guard. A tongue guard is a latex or plastic piece that you place on the blade.

This will protect your tongue from being pierced by the blade. There are several tongue guards available in the market. Some are made of soft rubber, while others are made of hard plastic. It all depends on your preference. What you need to do is to pick one guard and keep it on your blade at all times. Doing so will protect you from accidentally cutting yourself with the blade.

Place a Razor Blade Under your Tampon or in a Jug

This may sound a bit weird, but it is a safe way to hide a blade under your tongue. The idea is that you can place a blade under a tampon. It will be much harder to get your tampon out when you are in a rush. You can then use the tampon to hide the blade if you keep it in place.

You can dispose of the tampon when you want to remove the blade. You can also try this technique to make your blade longer. Using the same method, you can make the blade as long as you want. Just remember to protect your tongue with a tongue guard while doing this.

Benefits of Hiding a Razor Under Your Tongue

Many people believe that the benefits of hiding a razor under your tongue don’t outweigh the risks. We can understand this point of view because we don’t know what will be the consequences if you don’t practice it properly. That’s why we share with you the benefits of hiding a razor under your tongue.

  • You can use it for self-defence purposes. If you are going through a bad phase in your life or being bullied, then you can use this technique as self-defence.
  • You can use it as a tool for increasing your confidence level. It doesn’t matter what stage you are in your life – young or old, gay or straight. You can use this technique to increase your confidence level.
  • You can use it to feel a rush of adrenaline. This technique can help you to get a rush of adrenaline. This rush of adrenaline can help you to forget your problems and to feel excited about your life once more.
  • You can use it to control your anger. If you are easily annoyed or get angry very often, then you can use this technique as a form of self-control.
  • You can use it as a form of meditation. If you want to relax your mind or enjoy focusing on something, then you can use this technique as a form of meditation.

Risk of Hiding a Blade Under Your Tongue

There’s risk on how to hide razor under tongue as mentioned above, this technique can be dangerous if you don’t practice it correctly. You should know that it’s unsafe to practice this technique if you are underage (below 18 years of age) or have a bleeding disorder. You can also be harmed if you have a mental illness or if you are under stress.

Why Hide a Razor Blade Under Your Tongue?

Now that you know how to hide a blade under your tongue safely let’s talk about why you would want to. There are many reasons why people do this. For example, you can use the blade for self-defence. If someone bullies or assaults you, you can use the blade for protection.

You can also hide the blade inside your mouth for safety. A blade inside your mouth is almost impossible to get out without help. If you have something valuable that you want to protect, you can also hide the blade inside your mouth. This is the safest and most effective way of protecting it.


We hope the article has taught you how to hide a razor blade under your tongue safely. If you want to be safe while using a blade, you should always keep it in a safe place. If you ever find yourself needing to use a blade, you can use it for self-defence or protection. You can also use a blade for food preparation as long as it is not sharp enough to pierce your skin. Now that you know how to hide razor under tongue safely!

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